Nothing Ordinary Style would like to say thank you to all of the veterans and members of the armed forces who risk their lives defending this country. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed and our hearts and prayers are with those who are still away from their families in the name of freedom Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. And to all of you wishing you and yours a very Happy safe Memorial Day!
Food Style
Okay, so your invited again to another Memorial day cookout or picnic and your bummed as to what to bring should you bring the same old potato salad or try something new? well.. we say try something new, it's all about celebrating with family and friends and relaxing with those you love. So why not make something everyone will enjoy,and won't take a lot of your time, what is it your guessing, well hold on because you know here at Nothing Ordinary Style right down to the desserts are done with style and this dessert is full of style ( I guess that's possible for a dessert to be full of style) so check out this patriotic dessert that will make you the special guest of the day and it won't make you "Tardy for the Party " LOL !!!
Flag Cake
Click on photo for recipe
Bon Appetite ! and if you make this dessert for your family please take pictures we would love to post them .